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American Home Shield

Home Warranty Plans & Coverage

Girl with glasses holding a dog, looking out a snowy window.


Girl with glasses holding a dog, looking out a snowy window.

Ductwork Warranty Coverage

You may not notice them, but ducts do a big job distributing heat and air throughout your house. All of our American Home Shield® home warranty plans include ductwork coverage for this important but often overlooked home system.

The covered item limit is $5,000. American Home Shield will cover up to $1,000 should the Pro need to cut through concrete to access any system components.

Included with these plans

Shield Silver

Shield Gold

Shield Platinum

See Pricing

Ductwork warranty coverage details

Leaks or breaks in ductwork connected to heating and/or air conditioning systems, including leaks or breaks in:
Leaks or breaks in vapor barriers, plenums, dampers, damper-only controls and registers and grills
Not Covered:

Ductwork FAQs

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